The Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector in south east London is wonderfully diverse and vast. We estimate there are well over 6,000 VCSE organisations in south east London alone. Charities, community groups, social enterprises, faith groups are all considered to be part of the VCSE sector.

Some of these organisations provide vital health and care services, whereas others are focused on addressing the wider determinants of a person’s health such as employment and homelessness. Some organisations also provide advocacy services for local people and communities. As a result, the VCSE sector is key to ensuring we prevent people needing to access hospital services and prevent people becoming unwell. It is also a vital partner in our work to address health inequalities.

What role does the VCSE sector have in the South East London Integrated Care System?

The VCSE sector is a key strategic partner within our South East London Integrated Care System, particularly in:

  • Working with ICS partners to set strategy and improve and deliver integrated services.
  • Developing and delivering new models of care, focusing on prevention and tackling the wider determinants of health and wellbeing.
  • Sharing insights and information about the needs of local people and communities, and partnering with us to engage local people and communities in all we do.
  • Leadership and advocacy, changing the way we work and bringing a fresh perspective.

How do we collaborate and work with the sector?

VCSE organisations are involved in key ICS governance and decision making. Currently VCSE sector organisations are members of each of our Local Care Partnerships. There is also a VCSE member on our Integrated Care Partnership.

We have also established an interim strategic network of VCSE representatives which will provide strategic input into ICS work with the VCSE sector. For more information and to participate in this group please contact or

Voluntary & Community News, Stories & Events

Greenwich community programme halves diabetes medication costs and supports weight loss

A Greenwich based community project is helping local residents living with type 2 diabetes to stay active and improve their health in a safe and welcoming environment. The Champions 4 Change Wellbeing CIC delivers community-based boxercise programmes to help those living with type 2 diabetes improve their blood glucose control through structured physical activity. Funded […]

20 Mar 2025
Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub Bromley

South East London Mind have been successful in their recent bid for the Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub contract in Bromley. South East London Mind is a mental health and dementia charity, and they will continue their work supporting people in with mental health needs in Bromley. The funding, from South East London Care Board […]

04 Mar 2025
New partnership to tackle health inequalities – apply now

The South East London Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (SEL VCSE) Strategic Alliance, King’s Health Partners, and NHS South East London Integrated Care Board are partnering with five local grassroots organisations to tackle health inequalities. This new initiative, the Trust and Health Creation Partnership, aims to work with VCSEs based in south east London to […]

19 Dec 2024