Our Integrated Care System is a partnership, bringing together the full range of organisations responsible for publicly funded health and care services in south east London.

We know that by working together, sharing intelligence and insight, and combining our resources we will deliver better services for people in south east London.

Integrated Care Partnership

ICP membership

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Integrated Care Partnership meetings

Information about meetings of the Integrated Care Partnership held in public

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Local Care Partnerships

Our Local Care Partnerships bring together our partners at a local level – what we call ‘Place’.

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Provider Collaboratives

Our large providers within mental health, acute and community services are collaborating through Provider Collaboratives.

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Primary Care Networks

Bringing GP practices together to work in partnership with community services, social care and other providers of health and care services.

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Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector

The VCSE sector in south east London is wonderfully diverse and vast, with between 5,000-6,000 organisations across our six boroughs.

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Integrated Care Board

An NHS statutory body, the Integrated Care Board ensures delivery of the ICS Strategy and allocates NHS funding.

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Our Partners

Organisations that form our Integrated Care Partnership

Find out what our partners are
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