Appointment Process

This page explains what you can expect if you are offered a new job and some tips to guide you through the requirements.

Appointment process – you have the job –
but you need to complete these forms!

A lot of roles now ask for a great deal of information relating to you as an individual – bank details, home address, emergency contact details, your health details, whether you have a criminal record, a view from your present or last employer, your national insurance number etc.


  • Be prepared for this to take some time.
  • Some organisations may take much longer than others because they have to do certain checks; they may also come back to you for more information – if you don’t know why –
    ask for help and advice.
  • Ensure you have some important documents to hand, such as a form of ID, a document with the place where you live on it, any certificates you may need to provide (evidence of a
    school education).
  • You will also, in most cases, be asked to answer questions relating to criminal convictions in the form of a Disclosure and Barring Scheme (DBS) check.
  • Identify what your working pattern will be and understand whether you may be required to work from home (or undertake hybrid working)