The key to the development of the framework was that it was co-produced by those with direct experience of using and working mental health services.

This collaborative, inclusive approach ensures the information is relevant and accessible.

Service User

The design of the framework is grounded in the experiences of support workers and service users who have or continue to access community mental health services across London. We have received valuable insight into the complexities of navigating the health and social care system and some of the barriers which service users face when trying to identify and access the right level of care and support.

Existing Employees

We would like to thank the staff who are undertaking these vital roles, in what can often be very challenging circumstances. Support workers and other key staff have been able to identify what support they would like to have in place on a day-to-day basis and what would help them with opportunities for personal and career development.

Line Managers and Leaders

We have also received feedback from a number of organisations across London, including the voluntary sector, social care and the NHS, who are working with us to ensure we take the right approach regarding use of language (terminology), sharing of best practice and what would be helpful to them when recruiting to these roles.

To support implementation of the framework we have also had individual discussion with representatives from a number of organisations who will play a key role in the recruitment, development and support of the community mental health workforce. These organisations include Oxleas, SLAM, BLG Local Mind, Bridge Support and Southwark Local Authority.

Framework Partners

This framework has been developed with involvement from staff, service users and organisations from across London.