South east London faces significant population health challenges, some of which are common to urban locations and some of which are unique to our area.

Whilst there have been some successes in these areas which we should be proud of, the overall picture across our area shows that there is a high burden of disease, both physical and mental.

To support the system in tackling these challenges, together with the South East London Integrated Care System (ICS), King’s Health Partners launched the South East London Coalition for Better Health and Equity.

Our vision is that every south east London resident is enabled to live a happy and healthy life in an equitable and equal society. We want south east London to be a place where your postcode, background or ethnicity will not be a predictor of your future and your health.

Our ambition is that by working together in coalition – including the health and care sector organisations, local authorities, third sector organisations and the south east London community itself – we can create a positive step-change which will improve population health and equity while reducing health inequalities.

Recent achievements

The three initial workstreams we are focusing on include:

Population Health Management

Improving population health by data driven planning and delivery of care to achieve maximum impact.

`Find out more`

Prevention and inequalities

Focusing on the ‘Vital 5’ (healthy blood pressure, healthy mind, healthy eating, safe drinking and quitting smoking), which have the biggest impact on health inequalities.

`Find out more`

Making the most of our assets

Bringing together local people and communities with the health and care system to understand and address the wider determinants of health.

`Find out more`

South East London Coalition For Better Health and Equity

We recently held a conference on population health in south east London, bringing together people who work on improving population health across the NHS, social care, community care, local authorities and voluntary and community organisations. You can find out more about the programme by watching playback videos from that day, and watch case studies featuring the varied work happening across south east London on the Kings Health Partners YouTube channel.

Further information

For more information about our programme and the latest on its work, visit the programme’s webpages (

News, stories and events

Energy, excitement and emotion at the first South East London ICS EDI Conference & Awards

The first South East London ICS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (SEL ICS EDI) Conference and Awards were held on 4 March. It was an energetic and at times deeply moving event, celebrating the outstanding efforts of colleagues at a local level, and highlighting the importance of EDI to our patients, staff and health and care […]

06 Mar 2025
Blog – Making women’s and girls’ health a priority in south east London

International Women’s Day takes place on 8 March and this year’s theme is ‘Accelerate Action’, focusing on the importance of taking swift and decisive steps to address the barriers women face. Research has found a gender health gap in the UK where many women and girls receive poorer healthcare than men. Nearly two thirds of […]

06 Mar 2025
Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub Bromley

South East London Mind have been successful in their recent bid for the Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub contract in Bromley. South East London Mind is a mental health and dementia charity, and they will continue their work supporting people in with mental health needs in Bromley. The funding, from South East London Care Board […]

04 Mar 2025