Who we are

The Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS)  in south east London is a partnership between care providers, commissioners, service user representatives and other stakeholders including  NHS England and public health representatives. The system works to develop and transform maternity services in response to local needs and national recommendations.

Our vision

Our ambition is that women, birthing people, babies, and their families experience joined up, high quality and kind care during pregnancy, labour, birth and postnatally. They should be informed and supported to make choices that are right for them, and where a higher chance of complications mean additional assessment is required, the care is collaborative, individualised, safe and with a good outcome. As a system we will continually strive to improve maternity and neonatal services and the experience of women, birthing people, and their families within south east London.

Our services – There are three providers of maternity care:

Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (St. Thomas’ Hospital https://www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/our-services/maternity

King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust https://www.kch.nhs.uk/service/a-z/maternity and Princess Royal University Hospital https://pruh.kch.nhs.uk/services/maternity/

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust https://www.lewishamandgreenwich.nhs.uk/maternity (University Hospital Lewisham and Queen Elizabeth Hospital)

You can choose to have your maternity care with any of these providers. Please  take a look at their websites for more information on the services they offer.

Listening to and working closely with women, birthing people, and their families to ensure they have care that is respectful of their needs is a priority for the LMNS.

Once you have given birth you may decide that you want to share your experiences of your care or become a member of a Maternity Voices Partnership. A Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) is a team of women, birthing people, their families, commissioners, and providers (midwives and doctors) working together to review and contribute to the development of local maternity care. https://nationalmaternityvoices.org.uk/

In south east London there are six Maternity Voices Partnerships. Please find below their contact details:


If you want to provide feedback directly to your care provider you can contact the trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Services:

Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (King’s College Hospital and Princess Royal University Hospital)

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust

Recent achievements

South East London Perinatal Pelvic Health Service:

In April 2021 SE London became one of 14 pilots to develop perinatal pelvic health services across our three maternity providers. The aim of this service is to support every woman and birthing person receiving maternity care to be able to access a pelvic health service throughout their pregnancy, which includes providing exercises that can help to prevent problems from developing in the first place.

Specialist Pelvic Health Midwives and Physiotherapists have been employed as part of this pilot to support the existing workforce and embed pelvic health services across the three maternity providers.  More than three hundred GPs, Health Visitors, Obstetricians and Midwives across Kings College Hospital, Guys and St Thomas Hospital and Lewisham and Greenwich have attended pelvic health awareness sessions.

Pelvic Health dedicated classes are now available for women who are at risk of pelvic floor dysfunction at Guys and St Thomas Hospital https://www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/our-services/maternity-care-during-pregnancy/antenatal-classes and Kings College Hospital https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/kings-college-hospital-maternity-28026537005.

The SE London Perinatal Pelvic Health Pilot was also presented at the International Continence Society  held in  Vienna in September 2022 https://www.ics.org/2022/session/7478.

Colourful Wallets for Black and Brown women


A collaboration between Kings College Hospital and Five X More has culminated in the design and production of a practical resource for women and birthing people in south east London. The wallets have been designed to keep maternity specific papers safe, but they also provide empowering and encouraging messages with a focus on support for Black and Brown pregnant people.
The wallets are now being offered across all of the maternity care providers in south east London.

Further information

General enquiries

Email: contactus@selondonics.nhs.uk

Postal address: South East London Integrated Care System, PO BOX 64529, London SE1P 5LX

Media Enquiries

Email: media@selondonics.nhs.uk

Contacting NHS South East London

For enquiries, comments and complaints relating to NHS South East London, head to www.selondonics.org/icb/contact-us

News, stories and events

Improved data and analytics services to support population health and neighbourhood-based care

We are working with practices and partners across the health and care system to improve the data available to health and care professionals, NHS researchers and to organisations to better plan health and care. The London Data Service is the next development in this area. The new service is NHS owned and managed, having been […]

28 Mar 2025
Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) shortage

In the UK, there is a shortage of a type of medicine called pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT), which some people need to help them digest food properly. This medicine is important for people whose pancreas, an organ in the body, does not produce enough enzymes. Enzymes help the body break down food so it […]

14 Feb 2025
NHS South East London unveils plan to tackle alcohol harm

NHS South East London (NHS SE London) is set to take action against the growing public health impact of alcohol, following a new report outlining measures to improve treatment, reduce harm, and alleviate costs on health and care services. We’re facing a significant public health crisis due to alcohol-related harm, with approximately 1,500 deaths annually […]

14 Jan 2025