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Further information
The LCR enables health and care staff to have one secure view of a person’s relevant heath and care information. Even if a person’s details are held in other London care organisations, information can still be accessed safely and securely. For example, if someone from Peckham (South East London) attends A&E at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital (North West London), staff involved can access the information they need to treat that person quickly and safely. This could include information on allergies, current medications, or existing long-term conditions.
Please note – If you previously requested your information not be shared in Connect Care this is still honoured in London Care Record. If you prefer your health and care information not to be shared in the London Care Record, please download and complete this form and inform your health and care professional.
The London Care Record also enables frontline staff to see any care plans a person might have helping to ensure people’s care preferences are respected. You can find out more about the Universal Care Plan here.