Select an option to below to learn more about the areas of work that South East London Integrated Care System is prioritising.

The content for some areas is still in development, and will be published soon, including information on the following worksteams: Cancer; Children and Young People; LD and Autism; Mental Health; Planned Care.

Digital and data

Our digital strategy is focussed on how we can use technology and data to deliver the greatest impact in terms of health and care outcomes for the communities we serve.

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Clinical and Care Professional Leadership

We’re investing in the recruitment and development of clinical and care leaders who can work together across organisations and professions to improve health and care.

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Population health

We want south east London to be a place where your postcode, background or ethnicity will not be a predictor of your future and your health. By working together in coalition, we can create a positive change which will improve population health and equity while reducing health inequalities.

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We are committed to protecting the health of and provide high-quality healthcare to our population, to reducing our environmental impact and becoming net zero in line with the NHS targets.

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Urgent and Emergency Care

We want to ensure that, if you need care urgently, you are seen in the least intensive setting for your needs and you have timely access so that care.

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Local Maternity and Neonatal

Our ambition is that women, birthing people, babies, and their families experience joined up, high quality and kind care during pregnancy, labour, birth and postnatally.

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Planned Care

We aim to deliver an effective and robust cancer performance and improvement management function across the ICS.

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We aim to deliver an effective and robust cancer performance and improvement management function across the ICS.

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We provide health services in more than 400 buildings across south east London.

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South East London System Leadership Academy

Our vision is to develop a vibrant and diverse community of system leaders in the interests of our patients, population, and workforce.

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Our vision is for south East London to be a diverse, joyful and vibrant place where our skilled ‘one workforce’ are supported to live healthy working lives.

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