Domain 1
Supporting you in your role and working as part of a team

This page shows the topics for this domain. Together they cover:

  • A brief overview of the role of support worker and the wider multi-disciplinary team
  • Understand the principles which are important when working in community mental  health  services;
  • The importance of good communication within teams
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Topic 1 Understanding your role and the multi-disciplinary team


  1. I am able to explain the responsibilities of the role and how it works in an integrated way to support service users and patients.
  2. I am able to show how my experience of community mental health services, or my own lived experience may provide insight to support service users/patients in their support planning and recovery.
  3. I am able to work collaboratively to identify the support service users/patients require and encourage co-production.
  4. I am able to describe clearly how different services/agencies/organisations can provide support and advice to service users/patients.
  5. I am able to effectively signpost service users/patients to relevant information or advice which is appropriate and welcomed.
  6. I will respect other roles and the value they add to service users/patients.
  7. I am able to develop and maintain a mutual relationship with patients/service users without crossing personal or professional boundaries.

Advanced Skills

  1. I am able to demonstrate the importance of collective decision making and taking responsibility for actions agreed.
  2. I will seek out opportunities to work collaboratively to remove barriers and provide opportunities for equal access to services.
Start Topic

Topic 2 Principles which are important when working in community mental health services


  1. I am able to work colleagues, services users/patients and their families in a non-judgemental way, recognising and valuing differences.
  2. I am able to behave in a way which promotes equality and recognises the diverse populations I work with including services users, patients and their families, as well as my colleagues.
  3. I understand that treating everyone fairly and respectfully does not mean everyone is treated the same.
  4. I will challenge (or call out) inappropriate or bad behaviour, attitudes and language if it falls below what is expected.
  5. I  ensure my decision making is clear and considered and free from bias.
  6. I will maintain the quality of my own work and raise any concerns where quality has been impaired.
  7. I am able to engage with patients/service users to seek out opportunities for service improvement.

Advanced Skills

  1. I am able to support communities I work with to develop a culture which promotes equality and diversity.
  2. I will look for ways to reduce inequalities by working with communities, service users and other agencies in an integrated approach.
  • I am able to participate in audits or evaluations of services to identify opportunities for improvement.
  • I am able to work with colleague to identify opportunities for service improvement and spread best practice.
  • Start Topic

    Topic 3 The importance of good communication within teams


    1. I am able to actively engage in team discussions and present information concisely and clearly to others.
    2. I understand how to use technology appropriately and I am able to undertake a range of activities to assist with communication, organisational skills and recording of information.
    3. I am able to listen carefully and take time to understand and ask relevant questions, especially when I don’t understand.
    4. I am able to respect diverse views and recognise the importance of ambiguity.
    5. I am able to be objective and non-judgemental when promoting service user requirements.
    6. I will look for opportunities to provide a safe environment for service users to voice their concerns and needs.
    7. I will actively participate in debriefing sessions, whether offered on a 1-1 basis or as part of a team.

    Advanced Skills

    1. I am able to work with colleagues to seek out opportunities to improve communications across teams; and
    2. I am able to identify barriers to effective communication and put into place remedies.
  • I will support a team culture based on trust and openness and call out poor behaviour.
  • I will check my motives for providing feedback and understand why I want to provide it.
  • I will take the opportunity to reflect from a debrief and use this as part of my on-going learning experience.
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