Domain 2
Supporting Patients & Service Users

This page shows the topics for this domain. Together they cover:

  • Exploring what community mental health services entails and explaining some of the terminology used which supports services users/patients
  • The importance of patient centered assessment, support planning and case management
  • Effective communication with service users and patients
  • Working with service users/patients in their local communities
  • Duty of Care and patient safety
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Topic 1 Knowledge of Mental Health Services


  1. I am familiar with the terminology used in the community mental health framework and understand its relevance to service users and patients.
  2. I understand the concepts described in the community mental health framework and how they may relate to my work.
  3. I will look for opportunities to provide advice and support which may prevent further ill health including support with employment, financial management, housing, benefits, personal safety as well as those linked to healthier lifestyles.
  4. I understand the importance of working as “one team” to support service users and patients with their physical and mental health needs.
  5. I am able to seek the relevant advice and support if I am unclear as to how to proceed with a service user/patient who may not have the ability to make decisions.
  6. I am able to identify when a patient/service user may not be engaged in the decision making process and work with them to consider alternative arrangements.

Advanced Skills

  1. I will identify ways within which a more integrated approach to service user/patient advice and support can be achieved by working closely with colleagues and other organisations.
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Topic 2 The importance of person-centred assessment, support planning and case management


  1. I am able to complete an effective care and support plan which is individualised and has been co-produced with the service user/patient.
  2. I am able to engage and encourage joint decision making and support the individual to set goals and review progress.
  3. I am able to identify ways to assist the individual monitor their wellbeing and understand when to take appropriate action (including seeking help in an emergency situation).
  4. I understand the importance of looking beyond the diagnosis and consider the person as a whole particularly when working with those who have complex needs.
  5. I am able to encourage a patient/service user to consider a recovery plan and talk appropriately about my own experience in order to encourage and provide hope.
  6. I am able to identify suitable information to share with service users and patients on crisis management and services available to them to provide support.
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Topic 3 Effective communication with service users and patients


  1. I am able to build trust and confidence with service users/patients by engaging in conversations which are person centred and non-judgemental.
  2. I am able to take an holistic approach to care and support planning and assessment.
  3. I am able to use open questioning techniques and I practice active listening.
  4. I am able to agree with the service user/patient how, when and why communication with the family/carers/friends will take place so that the service user’s respect, confidentiality and dignity is maintained.
  5. I am able to establish clear boundaries about my relationship with family members, carers and friends and ensure that these are also agreed with the service user/patient.
  6. I am able to share my experience when it is relevant/appropriate, maintain appropriate boundaries when doing so and not present as a solution or decision for the other person.
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Topic 4 Working with service users/patients in their local communities


  1. I able to work with service users and patients to identify potential barriers to accessing support and treatment and look for unique and individual solutions.
  2. I am able to work with service users and patients to help connect them with local community support and services to improve the potential for engagement.
  3. I can use tools and techniques to assist in support planning which considers a person’s mental and physical health.
  4. I am able to identify community services which may be accessible for service users/patients to support their individual plans.
  5. I can work with service users and patients to identify potential barriers for accessing services or opportunities to share resources.
  6. I am able to understand and appreciate the importance of different cultures or belief systems and the impact this may have on a service user’s care and supporting planning process.

Advanced Skills

  1. I will Identifying potential opportunities to connect local services, community groups, with each other.
  2. I will look for opportunities to work with other agencies and support teams to avoid unnecessary repeat assessments or referrals.
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Topic 5 Duty of Care and Patient Safety


  1. I understand what the duties of “care” and “candour” mean and I am able to raise any concerns I have about incidents, accidents, or complaints which may impact on service users and patients.
  2. I understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality and when to seek advice where I may need to breach a confidence in the interests of patient care.
  3. I am able to explain why a patient/service user may be asked to provide their explicit consent to specific treatment, advice or support and the principles regarding information sharing.
  4. I understand the principles behind the policies mentioned within this framework and how to report any concerns or seek further advice.
  5. I am able to implement the techniques I have been taught to de-escalate a situation and we aware of my own emotions during a given situation.
  6. I am able to listen, ask relevant questions, be understanding, provide the correct advice and, if appropriate offer potential solutions should a patient/service user raise a concern/complaint.

Advanced Skills

  1. I will work with others to identify opportunities to reduce risk, or perceived risk, as part of my role.
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