Safeguarding leadership programme launches in south east London

20 Mar 2025

The first in-person workshop of the South East London Integrated Care System (SEL ICS) Safeguarding Leadership Programme took place on 5th March 2025 at London Bridge Hive.

The programme is a new and original initiative developed by SEL ICS in partnership with The Kings Fund, an organisation known for high-quality leadership development in the field of health and social care.

Safeguarding is about protecting a person’s right to live a life free from abuse or neglect. It is a core obligation of the NHS and the ICS partner organisations; these responsibilities being enshrined in a range of laws relating to children and vulnerable adults. As safeguarding practice develops, it focuses more fully on an all-age and multi-agency response towards mitigating risk.

The programme is reflective of this, and is designed to support 16 safeguarding practitioners who are working with either adults or children and are employed within a varied range of south east London health, care, and voluntary organisations, developing their leadership skills and competencies through, for example, Action Learning Sets.

A key pillar of the programme is the engagement by all delegates in a work-based ‘stretch assignment’. A stretch assignment is a project, task or other activity that is beyond the delegates current level of knowledge or skill, and which stretches the delegate developmentally in order to learn and grow.

The progression of the delegates individual stretch assignments is supported by the expert facilitation provided by The Kings Fund through a series of both on-line and in-person modules.

Jeremy Cox, The Kings Fund Senior Consultant and Programme Lead said: “We are delighted to have been invited to facilitate this innovative programme with a diverse group of engaged and dedicated safeguarding professionals from across the south east London health and care system.

“We are passionate about supporting leaders to think beyond their personal and organisational boundaries and were really pleased with the curiosity, collaboration and challenge the group brought to our first session together.”

The first module gained favourable feedback, one delegate stating “It already feels like no course I’ve ever been on before, it’s clear the course is moulded to the group’s needs, and transitioning as the day went on. I’m really excited to see what happens next and where the course leads us all”.

Another delegate remarked : “I have felt a little lost as to what my next steps would be in the safeguarding world and how to try and improve things, but even during Day 1 I felt inspired and a lot more hopeful for the future. I am really looking forward to the next module!”

Rebecca Saunders, Associate Director of Nursing, Safeguarding and Quality at South East London Integrated Care Board added: “This programme will make a positive difference to our safeguarding workforce across the system, and shall contribute hugely towards enabling our future safeguarding leaders gain the skills to embrace and manage the practice challenges that lie ahead.”