If you are registered with a GP practice in Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham or Southwark and need an abortion, we can help.

You can call or go online to contact an abortion provider.

You can choose from one of the following NHS funded services for your abortion:

British Pregnancy Advice Service  BPAS

MSI Reproductive Choices  MSI

National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service NUPAS

Please see below table for their contact details.

If you are not living or registered with a GP practice in the boroughs listed above, you can use this information to contact any provider you like and they will give you more information.

Remember, abortions must be done within 23 weeks and 6 days gestation, except for emergencies that threaten the mother’s life.

Telephone numbers 03457 30 40 30 0345 300 8090 0333 004 6666
Webpage www.bpas.org www.msichoices.org.uk www.nupas.co.uk
Webchat No Yes Yes
Video chat Yes Yes Yes
Online provider call back booking Yes Yes Yes
Interpreter available? Yes Yes Yes
Locations available Find a clinic Find a clinic Find a clinic

The time you wait for a procedure may vary, but it should be done within 14 days from when you first get in touch with the abortion provider you choose. This 14 days includes having a consultation before the procedure.

During the consultation, they will decide what happens next. Sometimes, the procedure might take place in an NHS hospital and the abortion provider will arrange that if necessary.

Contraception and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) testing

During the abortion process, you might be offered contraception (such as implant, coil, pill or injection), testing for STI and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus).

You can check which contraception and STI home testing kits are available in your area via the discreet Sexual Health London website.

Your views and opinions are important to us

We would like you to share your experience with us by completing a provider feedback form, emailing the provider directly, or the NHS SEL ICB Complaints Team via contactus@selondonics.nhs.uk.

For information on the abortion pathway, please visit the NHS website.

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