How can I learn about my Vital 5?
You can find out your Vital 5 numbers with a Vital 5 check, delivered by NHS-approved practitioners at selected pharmacies and other venues throughout south east London.
The free, easy to access, check will measure your blood pressure, weight, and mental health. It will also tell you if you’re drinking at safe levels and can give advice on how to quit smoking.
The Vital 5 Check is free and takes between just 5 – 30-minutes. At the end you’ll get your personal Vital 5 passport, which is a good indication of your overall health and what you can do to improve it.
You’ll get tips you could try. You’ll also learn where you could access support to help you improve your Vital 5 numbers.
Join the 20,000 other Southeast London residents who’ve had their Vital 5 Check.