What do you need help with?

Illustration of a person holding their wrist, with a red mark on it and lines to signify pain

A painful injury

Illustration of a hand with a cut on it, from which some blood comes out. On the left, a timer with the text "10 mins"

A cut that bleeds 10+ mins

Illustration of an eye with some blood on it

Eye problems

Illustration of a person taking their temperature orally with a thermometer. On their head, a red circle and lines signify pain or fever. Text reads "38c"

High fever

Illustration of a person holding their hands on their stomach, on which a red circle and lines signify pain

Stomach pain

Illustration of an arm with some red spots on it, and a red circle with lines to indicate pain or itching

Skin infection

Urgent Treatment Centre, or Urgent Care Centre
Illustration of an old man holding their hand on their chin, with a "?" thought bubble and text reading "3+ months"

Long term symptoms

Illustration of a man holding their shoulder, which has a red circle and lines signifying pain. Text reads "3+ months"

Long term pain

Illustration of a person holding their hands on their eyes, with a scribble above their head.

Anxiety, stress, low mood

Illustration of a healthcare professional talking to another person

Health advice

Illustration of a clipboard with two vials of blood

Screenings and blood tests

Illustration of a hand administering a vaccine on the arm with a small syringe


Illustration of pills, a condom and an intrauterine device


Illustration of a pharmacy bag with a prescription sheet


GP practice
Illustration of a pharmacy bag with the word "prescription" on it, alongside a bottle of medicines

Medicines and treatments

Illustration of a ear, with a red circle and lines to signify pain


Image of a woman with their eyes closed and their hands on their temples. between their eyes, a red circle and lines indicate pain.

Sinus pain

Illustration of an arm with some rush on it. A hand scratches the itch, with a red circle and lines to signify itching.

Itchy skin or rash

Image of a bee stinging someone's arm, with a red circle and lines to indicate pain

Infected bite or sting

Illustration of a woman seated on a toilet, peeing, with their arms on their stomach

Pain when peeing

Illustration of an arm with a blood pressure monitor

Blood pressure testing

Illustration of pills

Contraceptive pill

Illustration of a hand administering a vaccine on the arm with a small syringe


Illustration of a knee with some red dots on it, and a red circle with lines to indicate pain

Minor cuts and grazes

Illustration of a leg with a grey area on it, and a red circle with lines to indicate pain


A person sneezing on a handkerchief

Coughs and colds

Illustration of an ankle with a red circle and lines to indicate pain


Illustration of the top half of a person, with a stylised digestive system. On the stomach, a red circle and lines indicate pain.


Illustration of a person holding their throat, with a red circle and lines to signify pain.

Sore throat

Care at home

Need help? Unsure what to do?

Worried about your mental health?

Illustration of: 1) a mobile phone with the screen of the NHS app; 2) A mobile phone with the browser on a "GP Practice website" contact form; 3) a person talking to a mobile phone

Anxiety, stress, low mood? Contact your GP practice.

A mobile phone calling 111

a mobile phone calling the 999 number, and an ambulance behind

Or – call 111 and choose the mental health option. Risk to life? Call 999.

Serious injury? Life or death emergency?

a mobile phone calling the 999 number, and an ambulance behindA person walking into a building that has a red "Emergency Department" sign and a red "H" sign on it.

Call 999 for an ambulance, or go to a hospital Emergency Department (ED)