We know that what makes us unique is the diverse and varied population that makes up south east London. That is why we strive to provide flexible care tailored to the specific needs of our residents and communities. In this section, you can access information on support for long-term conditions, financial support, NHS resources in other languages, and much more.

Continuing healthcare

NHS-funded support for people with long-term health needs

Continuing healthcare

Personalised care

How the NHS can support your personal health needs and your community

Personalised care

Personal Health Budgets

PHBs and who is eligible to receive one

Personal Health Budgets

Prescription charges

Visit the NHS website to learn about prescription charges and Prescription Prepayment Certificates

Prescription charges

Primary Care Interpreting Service

Interpreting services in south east London

Primary Care Interpreting Service

Medicines optimisation

We want you to get the right choice of medicine at the right time

Medicines optimisation


What it is, and how to manage and prevent ongoing symptoms after COVID-19 or a similar flu-like viral illness


South East London Sickle Cell Improvement Programme

Greater support for people living with sickle cell disorder in south east London

South East London Sickle Cell Improvement Programme

Living well with a long term condition

Keep active, manage stress and adjust to your health condition

Resources and self help