London Pharmacy opening hours for Christmas and New Year Holidays 2022/2023

Bank Holidays can affect the opening hours of local pharmacies. Our guide provides the opening hours for pharmacies in London over the holidays.

14 Dec 2022
Opening times

Over the Christmas and New Year Holiday days, we are calling on residents in south east London to only use 999 and A&E in emergencies. The NHS remains very busy, but you can still get the care you need.

Bank Holidays can affect the opening hours of local pharmacies. Our guide provides the opening hours for pharmacies in south east London which have been asked to open over the holidays.

Alternatively, please see below for information on how to find your local NHS Service in south east London:

  • Urgent care: If you require urgent medical care, please use the NHS 111 online service or call 111. Get the help you need when you need it.​​ In the case of a life-threatening emergency, always call 999.
  • Pharmacies: To find your local pharmacy services and see their current opening hours,
    go to
  • GP services: To find your local GP services and see their current opening hours,
    go to
  • Dentist services: See this guide on what to do if you require emergency dental care
  • Other NHS services: For all other NHS services, go to

South east London Pharmacy opening hours for Christmas and New Year Holidays 2022 & 2023