We want Lambeth to be a place where health and social care outcomes are improved for all our communities, regardless of background or lived experience; a place where people can reach their potential, are valued, are safe from harm and have positive choices about their health and social care. We strongly celebrate our rich diversity and ensure our communities’ voices are actively heard. We focus our attention on improving equality, diversity and inclusion and to achieve this, we will come together as an integrated health and care system working as a single team with a single budget, delivering transformative health and care for all who need it in Lambeth.
You can find more information on the Lambeth Together website.
Lambeth Together’s Delivery Alliances
We have prioritised three key areas where we will work together to improve health and wellbeing and the way that we plan and manage services. We call these our ‘Delivery Alliances’.
Our Alliances are responsible for bringing together partners and people with ‘lived experience’ to plan and manage programmes and projects that will join up services, improve health and address inequalities in health.