A range of services (known as the local offer) are available to children and young people up to the age of 25 who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. These services are provided by the NHS and Bromley Council.

You can find out more information about what is available on Bromley Council’s website.

The Bromley Local offer includes:

  • Advice about my child’s development
  • Early years and childcare
  • Education and schools
  • Health support and conditions
  • Help getting around
  • Housing help and adaptations
  • Leisure activities and things to do
  • Money, benefits and grants
  • Parenting and family support
  • The Local Offer in Easy Read
  • Young adults
  • Information from voluntary organisations
  • ‘You said, we did!’ – how feedback on services is informing improvements

Children and Young People’s Dynamic Support Register (DSR)

The Children and Young People’s Dynamic Support Register (DSR) is for those under 18 who are at high risk of going into a mental health hospital if they do not get the right care and treatment in the community.

It provides a space for professionals from across health, education and social care, as well as colleagues from the SELECT key worker programme and Positive Support Group, to come together and talk about the support a child or young person may need.


What are the benefits to being included on the Dynamic Support Register?

This role was created as part of the SEND reforms to support the clinical commissioning group and local health services to implement the Children and Families Act and the SEND code of practice.

Each local area should have a Designated Medical Officer (DMO) and/or Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) for SEND. The DCO plays a key role in implementing and embedding SEND responsibilities for health and supporting joined up working between health services, local authorities and other SEND partners.

The DCO provides a point of contact for local authorities, schools and colleges seeking health information or queries about health provision for children and young people with SEND.

The DCO would not routinely be involved in assessments or planning for individuals, but would be responsible for ensuring that assessment, planning and health support is carried out (SEND Code of Practice 2015)

The role is varied and includes the following (but not exclusive):

  • Maintaining an overview of the way health services work with local children, young people and families with SEND across the 0-25 age range in Bromley
  • Working with health services to ensure good quality contributions to the Education, Health and Care Plan process
  • Joint working with partners to improve the quality of Education, Health and Care Plans.
  • Promoting links between the local authority, education settings, social care and health services
  • Supporting commissioners in the development of good quality services for SEND
  • Working alongside all SEND partners including children and young people, parents and carers to identify and raise any concerns relating to health services for SEND.
  • Providing advice to education settings with regards to their duties under the ‘Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions’ guidance.
  • Contributing to strategic level decision making, scrutiny and improvement via the SEND Governance Board.

What are the eligibility criteria for the Dynamic Support Register?

The benefits to being included on the DSR are:

  • Multi-agency oversight and scrutiny of current needs and risks.
  • Encourages services to work more closely together.
  • Potential access to the SELECT keyworker scheme or Positive Support Group (depending on eligibility and capacity).

What information is held on the Dynamic Support Register?

To be included on the children’s DSR children/young people should be:

  • Under 18
  • Have a diagnosed learning difficulty and/or autism
  • Have a mental health concern that places them at high risk of admission to a mental health hospital

In addition to the above criteria:

  • The child/young person maybe at high risk of family or placement breakdown that places them at risk of admission to a mental health hospital.

What Agencies are part of the Dynamic Support Register Panel?

The DSR holds information on:

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Place of residence
  • Demographic data
  • NHS number
  • Information on which services are involved in the child/young person’s care
  • Information on the health, education and social care needs of the child/young person
  • Any specialist care plans that might be in place

What is the referral and consent process for the Dynamic Support Register?

The following Agencies are core members of the DSR Panel:

  • Health
  • Education
  • Social Care
  • SELECT Keyworker Programme
  • Positive Support Group

Where can I find out more information?

Before any child/young person can be added to the DSR consent must be obtained in one of the following ways:

  • Where the child/young person is 16 (+) and has capacity they can consent in their own right.
  • Where the child/young person is under 16 or does not have capacity, then a person with parental responsibility can give consent on their behalf.
  • Where consent is not given but there remains significant concern then a Best Interest Decision can be made.

Designated Clinical Officer for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

This role was created as part of the SEND reforms to support the clinical commissioning group and local health services to implement the Children and Families Act and the SEND code of practice.

Each local area should have a Designated Medical Officer (DMO) and/or Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) for SEND. The DCO plays a key role in implementing and embedding SEND responsibilities for health and supporting joined up working between health services, local authorities and other SEND partners.

The DCO provides a point of contact for local authorities, schools and colleges seeking health information or queries about health provision for children and young people with SEND.

The DCO would not routinely be involved in assessments or planning for individuals, but would be responsible for ensuring that assessment, planning and health support is carried out (SEND Code of Practice 2015)

The role is varied and includes the following (but not exclusive):

  • Maintaining an overview of the way health services work with local children, young people and families with SEND across the 0-25 age range in Bromley
  • Working with health services to ensure good quality contributions to the Education, Health and Care Plan process
  • Joint working with partners to improve the quality of Education, Health and Care Plans.
  • Promoting links between the local authority, education settings, social care and health services
  • Supporting commissioners in the development of good quality services for SEND
  • Working alongside all SEND partners including children and young people, parents and carers to identify and raise any concerns relating to health services for SEND.
  • Providing advice to education settings with regards to their duties under the ‘Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions’ guidance.
  • Contributing to strategic level decision making, scrutiny and improvement via the SEND Governance Board.