This page is for professionals caring for residents in Bromley’s care homes. It provides an overview of how the Enhanced Health in Care Homes (EHCH) Framework is being delivered locally.

We aim to support care home managers and staff in their vital roles by sharing resources to help deliver high-quality, integrated care.

Bromley’s commitment to the EHCH Framework ensures residents receive proactive, personalised care closer to home. Here, you’ll find resources and information on initiatives to help you meet the needs of your residents, now and in the future.

Bromley’s care homes

Bromley has one of London’s largest older populations, with over 60,000 residents aged 65 and over. Both this population and dementia rates are expected to rise.

Care homes play a key role in supporting older and working-age adults needing 24-hour care. Many already provide excellent care. The initiatives here aim to further support care homes to meet residents’ complex needs and maintain high-quality care.

Enhanced Health in Care Homes (EHCH) Framework

One Bromley partners work together to support care homes and their residents, following NHS England’s Enhanced Health in Care Homes Framework.

Care homes should know the EHCH Framework, as it helps shape health and social care services in partnership with them. This approach aims to provide personalised care, improve outcomes, and promote independence for residents. The Care Provider Alliance has created a useful guide on the EHCH Framework for care home managers and staff.

Bromley EHCH Programme

Care home residents in Bromley have access to a wide range of health and care services to support their complex needs. The Bromley EHCH Programme has introduced several initiatives to further support care homes. Highlights include:

  • Training over 300 care home staff with RESTORE2TM to help recognise early signs of deterioration and know how to escalate
  • Training more than 1,000 staff in falls preventions using the Action Falls tool on risk assessment
  • Improving digital systems, with all care homes now compliant with the Data Security Protection Toolkit (DSPT), nearly 90% using the recommended NHSmail for secure transfer of data and over 90% using Digital Social Care Records (exceeding the 80% national target)
  • Running a successful winter initiative that reduced prescribed medications, 999 calls and hospital attendance – tripling the number of personalised care and support plans.

For more information on the current support offers, information and resources, see the relevant section below.


For any queries relating to the EHCH Framework in Bromley, please contact

Winter updates

Winter vaccinations

Vaccines are essential for protecting people from serious illness and keeping adult social care resilient. The Flu and COVID-19 vaccine programme for Autumn/Winter 2024/25 started on 3rd October 2024.

As providers, it is important to encourage eligible staff and residents to get their Flu and Covid-19 vaccines for the best protection during winter.

There are also resources available for care home managers to help you promote vaccinations among your staff.

Alongside the seasonal vaccines, the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine is now available. Anyone aged 75 to 79, or turning 75 years on or after the 1st September 2024 , can get the vaccine. One dose of vaccine will boost protection for this age group.

Infection Prevention Control reminder

As respiratory and other viruses increase over winter, it is really important to keep high infection prevention control (IPC) standards to reduce the risk of viruses entering and spreading within your care home.

Check the latest Government guidance: Infection prevention and control in adult social care: acute respiratory infection

Supporting unwell residents

Please display the ‘Using RESTORE2TM‘ poster when a resident is showing signs of deterioration’ poster clearly in your home. If a resident is unwell, you can then easily follow the escalation guidance on the poster.

If you need more copies please contact

If your resident is admitted to the Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH), notify the Transfer of Care Bureau using the number on the poster. This will ensure your resident is flagged on the system and will ensure a smoother discharge.


Bromley care homes are becoming more digitally mature, in line with the national push for digital transformation in Adult Social Care.

The Digitising social care website is the official site for NHS England and DHSC guidance. It helps adult social care providers in England use digital tools to deliver better, safer care.

Key areas include:

  • Digital Security Protection Toolkit (DPST)
  • NHSmail
  • Proxy access
  • Digital Social Care Records (DSCR)

London Care Record

We are also supporting the phased rollout of the London Care Record (LCR) to care homes. You will be able to access your residents’ LCR through their Digital Social Care Record. This allows you to view an up-to-date record of the resident’s information over time and across different parts of the NHS and social care, for example after a hospital admission.

Bespoke information or training sessions can be arranged locally to help you with this transition.

Universal Care Plan

A Universal Care Plan (UCP) is a digital tool that helps health and care professionals along with the /their family create a personalised care and support plan. This plan includes information about individual needs, preferences and wishes about care.

Bromley is prioritising the London-wide rollout of UCPs in care homes. For guidance on accessing the UCP platform and creating UCPs for your residents, refer to the Care Home UCP Access guide. The Care Home Quality Liaison Nurse is also available to support you during this transition.


RESTORE2TM is a tool for identifying and escalating physical deterioration in care homes.

After the successful rollout of RESTORE2TM training in 2022/23, we are offering you more free training , from September 2024 to September 2025

For more information or to sign up for a training session, please email

Each session has a maximum of 10 spaces, allocated on a first- come, first serve basis.

Training dates Competency dates
Friday 8th November 2024 Friday 29th November 2024
Friday 6th December Friday 3rd January 2025
Friday 10th January 2025 Friday 31st January
Friday 14th February Friday 7th March
Friday 14th March Friday 4th April
Friday 11th April Friday 2nd May
Friday 9th May Friday 30th May
Friday 6th June Friday 27th June
Friday 4th July Friday 25th July
Friday 5th September Friday 26th September

Urgent and Emergency Care

NHS 111*6

Use NHS 111*6 out-of-hours when you are concerned about a resident.

This dedicated line for care homes provides fast access to a clinical team for advice and medical support, so you will have a quicker response.

When you call, have the following information ready:

  • Telephone number
  • Address
  • Name of the resident
  • Date of birth
  • Reason for calling – include any underlying medical conditions. If you have completed the RESTORE2/NEWS2 tool for the resident, share this with the advisor.

You may also be asked about:

  • When the symptoms started
  • Any current interventions or treatment
  • Whether the patient has an Urgent Care Plan or DNAR (this should be in the Universal Care Plan)

NHS 111 will then search a live directory of services to provide options for further assessment or care that are available at the time

London Ambulance Service (LAS) Healthcare Professional (HCP) Line

LAS encourages all healthcare professionals (HCPs) supporting care homes to use the HCP line (starting 0203 – ) when a 999 call is necessary for a care home resident. HCPs should use this line instead of asking care homes to call 999.

HCPs include:

  • Registered healthcare professionals in general practice
  • Advanced practitioners
  • Paramedics
  • Community matrons
  • Community and district nursing teams
  • Community midwifery teams
  • Dentists
  • Approved mental health professionals (for mental health admissions only)

Red bags

The Red Bag scheme, launched in 2018, improves communication between care homes, ambulance staff and hospitals to enhance care for care home residents.

The bags contain key paperwork (unless in an online, shareable format), medication and personal items like glasses, slippers and dentures. Care home staff hand these bags to ambulance crews ,and they travel with residents to the hospital, where they are given to hospital staff.

In Autumn 2024, work will begin to redistribute bags to care homes.


Oxleas Bromley Dementia Care Home Team

The Oxleas Bromley Dementia Care Home Team is a Dementia Clinical Behavioural Specialist Team that supports care home staff and families of individuals  living with dementia who may show distress.

For contact details and information on the referral process, please visit their website.

Care Homes Dementia Champion Forum Pilot

We are piloting a Care Homes Dementia Champion Forum with a small group of homes using a dedicated Teams Channel and monthly online forums, shaped by the members. If successful, it will be expanded to all care homes in Bromley.

The forum provides a platform for sharing information and resources and discussing best practices through sharing experiences and case studies.

South East London Mind

The Bromley Dementia Support Hub from South East London Mind offers support to people diagnosed with dementia, and their family and friends, in Bromley. They help them to find and access suitable local services.

Bromley care homes can also access free dementia skills training.


In 2022, 16 Bromley Older Peoples care homes took part in a research study from the University of Nottingham using the Action Falls multi-factorial assessment tool. This followed a Randomised Control Trial by the University, which showed a 43% reduction in falls. After the study, the remaining care homes were offered training.

The University of Nottingham has also developed an Action Falls Toolkit to support this training.

We have planned additional work on falls prevention and safe management of falls, including consultations with care homes to better understand their challenges.

Bromley’s Action:Falls Campaign

Bromley’s Action: Falls campaign officially launched in March 2025 with a framework to guide care homes and wider health care professionals in managing residents who have fallen.

This framework focuses both on prevention and how we assess and respond to falls after they’ve happened. The Falls Bundle helps to manage care home residents’ risk factors and prevent future falls. It puts residents at the very heart of care and the levers for success include ensuring the most effective medication regime and a personalised falls strategy in the resident’s Universal Care Plan.

For any queries, feedback or support with implementing the framework, please contact


Learning disability and autism support in south east London

Learning Disability Care Homes in south east London can access support from the LDA Specialist Prescribing Advisors. This includes generic medicine information and medication trainings sessions such as:

  • If a medication is safe to be crushed and added in food or drinks
  • Medication administration
  • Spotting near misses,
  • PRN logs
  • Use of behaviour charts

For specific medications review and enquires, care homes should contact their practice or PCN pharmacist.

Quality Alerts

Care homes are encouraged to fill out the SEL Quality Alert form to report any concern or issues with local services that affect your residents.

A Quality Alert (QA) highlights a concern or systemic issue impacting the ability to provide high-quality service within south east London.

The QA process is essential for improving service quality in our area.

South East London Integrated Care System

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