Our bespoke pharmacy leadership programme – developed in 2023 – supports community pharmacists to be Community Pharmacy Neighbourhood Leads (CPNLs) for their respective localities.

The ICB supports the role of the CPNLs after a successful pilot scheme in Lambeth saw a 300% increase in referral activity for the Community Pharmacy Consultation Service, freeing up appointments at surgeries for different care needs, and increasing choice and access for south east Londoners.

The CPNL role in south east London has the potential to not only increase activity with the Pharmacy First programme, but also see community pharmacy leadership embedded within ICB governance structures.

Working in partnership, the Local Pharmaceutical Committee, Community Pharmacy South East London, and the ICB medicines optimisation team are driving forward community pharmacy representation and engagement at key programme boards across the Integrated Care System.

Our CPNLs talk about the programme

Click the titles below to watch the videos.

Qasim Mohamedbhai, Regional Pharmacy Manager, Day Lewis South East London (Lewisham CPNL)

Claire Grant, Pharmacy Manager, Day Lewis Streatham (Lambeth CPNL)

Bhaval Patel, Pharmacist, Ormay Chemist (Bexley CPNL)

Sumeet Banker, Superintendent Pharmacist, Chislehurst Pharmacy (Bromley CPNL)

Irfan Fazal, Superintendent Pharmacist, Kristal Pharmacy (Southwark CPNL)

Patricia Ojo, Pharmacist/Proprietor, Stevens Pharmacy (Greenwich CPNL)

More about the CPNL programme

As representatives of community pharmacy for the neighbourhoods they represent, CPNLs uphold the high standards of the profession whilst being aware of the current vision and direction for community pharmacy and the PCN and what it hopes to achieve.

A large part of the programme requires CPNLs to provide feedback, share intelligence and network with other CPNLs, LPC, local GPs and medicines optimisation teams.

There are a series of workshops throughout the programme, during which CPNLs learn more about the importance of building trust across boundaries, driving purposeful collaboration and thinking strategically.

They attend virtual and face to face PCN meetings, along with local ICB arranged meetings.

Vanessa Burgess, Chief Pharmacist, NHS South East London ICB

Raj Matharu, Chair Community Pharmacy London & CEO of Community Pharmacy South East London

Patricia Ojo, Pharmacist/Proprietor of Stevens Pharmacy (Greenwich CPNL)

Dr George Verghese, GP Partner of Waterloo Health Centre

Finlay Royle, Associate Director of Medicines and Long Term Conditions (Lambeth)

South East London Integrated Care System

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