South East London faces a significant public health crisis due to alcohol-related harm, with approximately 1,500 deaths annually in London linked to alcohol. From 2019-2022, South East London experienced a 27% rise in alcohol-attributable deaths. The societal cost of alcohol harms in south east London is estimated at £902.5 million annually, equating to £504 per resident. Alcohol-related issues are major contributors to healthcare expenses, crime, workplace productivity losses and social service burdens.
In response to the scale of these harms and costs, the South East London Integrated Care Board commissioned a study and toolkit from the independent Institute of Alcohol Studies to identify evidence-based approaches to reduce these harms through local policy interventions.
The report identified, in summary, that:
would together contribute to significant reductions in harm and societal costs, reducing the estimated £900+ million annually spent on the impacts of alcohol.
Whilst the introduction of a MUP for alcohol in London of between 50p and 70p (adjusted for inflation) could save between 33 and 149 lives annually, due to reduced consumption, this will require national legislation, so the recommendations and tool kit focus on other evidence-based interventions to reduce alcohol harms in South East London.
Alcohol harm disproportionately affects disadvantaged communities. Despite lower consumption rates, individuals in deprived areas face higher hospitalisation and mortality rates due to alcohol-related issues, so it’s a key health inequalities issue for south east London.
The evidence review categorized interventions into seven policy areas, emphasizing affordability, availability and marketing regulation. Recommendations focus on local actions within four areas:
1. Regulating Marketing:
2. Regulating Availability:
3. Managing the Drinking Environment:
4. Expanding Brief Interventions and Treatment:
The report highlights some of the challenges to changing policy and practice, especially that the implementation of a MUP for London would probably require national legislation, and its impact might be lower than in Scotland (which has had MUP for several years) because overall prices are higher and across the population consumption is lower. However, local authority licensing policies can play a role in regulating alcohol availability and promoting healthier drinking environments without requiring national legislative changes.
Initial steps to producing best practice guidance for alcohol licensing and health inequalities have been taken by local authority licensing teams, Police Licensing Officers, Public Health practitioners and alcohol treatment services coming together to start designing this guidance.
The report offers tools and strategies to support local authorities in implementing the proposed interventions. Collaboration between health services, community leaders, residents and policymakers is crucial. Public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives can complement regulatory measures to foster community support.
The report underscores the urgency of addressing alcohol harm in south east London through evidence-based policies and interventions. Reducing alcohol harm is integral to promoting health equity, enhancing community safety and alleviating economic burdens on public services. By implementing the outlined strategies, stakeholders can create a safer, healthier environment for all residents, as well as deliver significant costs savings to a range of public services.