Join us for the 2024 David Hobman Lecture hosted by the Institute of Gerontology at King’s College London.
Professor Emily Grundy will speak on ‘Family and household changes and intergenerational exchanges: Implications for later life well-being’.
Family connections and intergenerational relationships, including exchanges of support, have been identified by older people as one of the most important domains influencing their quality of life. These relationships are shaped to a considerable extent by life course histories, such as marital and parenting history, which themselves may influence health as cumulated stresses and supports may have long-term implications. Life course events in one generation may also affect the well-being of other generations and so the well-being of older people is influenced by the circumstances of younger family members, and by contemporary social conditions and policies. All these factors interact with socio-economic and environmental factors influencing health over the life course.
In this lecture, Professor Grundy will consider trends and differentials in the family and household- including housing- circumstances of older people and their associations with socio-economic circumstances and with health. She will also examine impacts of intergenerational exchanges of support on both older and younger generations. Finally, she will consider implications for policy and practice.
This is an in-person event. The event will be followed by a drinks reception.