Moves to further strengthen how the SEL ICS works in partnership with the Voluntary and Community sector took a step forward this week when members of the SEL ICB and VCSE sector leaders came together in a joint workshop.
The session, which brought together the ICB and the South East London Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Alliance, mapped the outlines of a charter that will set out how the ICS will collaborate with the VCSE sector.
The work aims to develop a set of commitments our partnership will sign up to around four key areas:
SEL ICB Chief Executive Officer Andrew Bland said: “As an integrated care system we have been clear from the start that transforming health and social care in our six boroughs can only be achieved in partnership with VCSE organisations that have deep roots in those communities and that have the agility to respond to changing circumstances and priorities. This meeting was a great learning event which will drive forward the development of a draft charter that we will present to members of the SEL Integrated Care Partnership in late July.”
Tal Rosenzweig, Director of Voluntary Sector Collaboration and Partnerships for the SEL ICS said: “As a system we understand that equitable partnership and collaboration with the VCSE sector is key for transforming the lives of people and communities in SEL. The joint workshop and the co-development of our SEL Charter will play a pivotal role in shaping our ongoing collaboration and will move us closer toward achieving our shared vision of tackling inequalities and creating a healthy, well and connected south east London population.”
Kate Heaps, Chief Executive, Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice, said: “I know that leaders working in statutory organisations understand the value, expertise and connections that local voluntary and community sector organisations can bring, and that we bring an agility and creativity to conversations that can be helpful to improve our services. The work we’re doing now means that we will be able to agree how we work together, to appropriately share power and resources, so that everyone who lives in SE London gets the best services and support they need, to have a life well lived.”