It’s ‘Our Health, Our Lambeth’: Lambeth Together launches new five year plan to improve health for all

24 May 2023

Lambeth Together has launched a five-year plan for health and care in the borough of Lambeth. ‘Our Health, Our Lambeth’ sets out how health and care services will work together, and with residents and communities, to improve the health and wellbeing of everyone in the borough.

‘Our Health, Our Lambeth’ was developed by listening to residents and communities. The Plan was presented and approved at the Lambeth Together Care Partnership Board on 18 May.

The Plan sets out three ambitious aspirations: firstly, that people in Lambeth lead healthy lives and have good physical and emotional health and wellbeing for as long as possible; secondly, that physical and mental health conditions are detected early, and people are supported and empowered to manage these conditions and avoid complications; and thirdly, that people in Lambeth can access and have positive experiences of health and care services that they trust and that meet their needs.

Councillor Jim Dickson, Co-Chair of Lambeth Together, said:

“We can do better by working together in partnership to transform how we support our patients, carers, and residents. Our Plan responds to the issues we have heard matter most to our communities along with evidence of what is and is not working for people. We recognise we are not an equal borough, and that the challenges of recent years, from Covid-19 to the cost of living crisis, have not impacted everyone equally.

We know too that poverty, racism and inequality have worsened health outcomes for many in our community. That is why we are taking a strong and action-focused approach, to prioritise fairness and equity in all we do. ”

Andrew Eyres, Lambeth Together’s Place Executive Lead, said:

“’Our Health, Our Lambeth’ embodies our joint commitment to improve health and wellbeing for all our communities, and sets out a clear plan. Collaboration across traditional divides between health and social care, between hospitals and family doctors, between physical and mental health care and between NHS and Council services means we can better support people’s health and wellbeing and their experience of care from services our communities trust now and into the future.”

Dr Di Aitken, Co-Chair of Lambeth Together, said:

“Helping people with their own health and wellbeing, so they stay well for longer, is better for everyone. Ensuring people have easy access to care when they need it, benefits patients, staff and carers. Having teams that work together across organisations to understand what matters most to people also transforms our staff’s experience, enabling them to focus on each individual in a unique way.

I am delighted to be launching ‘Our Health, Our Lambeth’, and look forward to working with people and communities, alongside our valued and committed partners, to deliver it over the next five years.”

Read the plan