Our Digital, Data and System Intelligence Strategy

Two healthcare professionals collaborate at a desk, focused on a computer screen, engaged in a productive discussion.

Across south east London, digital and data have a huge potential to transform health and care to enable the delivery of high-quality and person-centred care. This is not just through patient facing services but also in patient adjacent functions in GP practices, Trusts and in the community.

To support this, we have developed a digital, data and system intelligence strategy from 2024-2027

The Strategy sets out how digital technologies and the data-driven insights will enable south east London to better tackle the challenges faced by our health and care system. It acknowledges the importance of partnership working to achieve the vision, highlighting the importance of integrated care systems using digital tools to join up care so information is available at the point of care to support decision-making, regardless of organisational or physical boundaries.

What do we want to do

A diagram with one circle at the centre and 3 linked circles around the outside showing why digital is important. It shows the linking of Health and care intelligence (The use of data to generate insights and identify trends), Digital solutions (which include systems, tools, apps and online services that support care delivery) and data (The health and care information that is created, held and used by our digital solutions) around the centre aims which are to improve outcomes for individuals and the south east London population and support heath and care delivery, planning and transformation.
Diagram showing why digital is important

Our vision from a digital, data and system intelligence perspective is to enable the delivery of high quality care to the people of south east London through digital innovation and data-driven intelligence.

Here we have set out what we need from digital and data as enablers of our health and care system. The four objectives outlined here will drive our priorities and investment. We will measure our performance against these objectives.

  1. People are empowered to manage their health and wellbeing through access to their information and insights about their health and wellbeing, as well as the ability to engage with the health and care system.
  2. The care record is available to care providers at the point of care to support decision-making.
  3. Information collected is used to generate data-driven insights in population health, proactive care and research, to improve decision-making, reduce inequities in health and care provision, improve health outcomes and make best use of finite resources.
  4. Service transformation is supported by innovative digital and data products, and existing capabilities, well-supported and continuously improved.

The six priority workstreams for the Strategy are:

  1. Empowering people through digital and data, including patients and the broader community. This includes a focus on digital inclusion, making sure that we identify barriers and take action to improve accessibility of our solutions.
  2. Using digital solutions to connect care across the system.
  3. Using data to generate insights that will support decision-making.
  4. Ensuring system resilience and focusing on cyber security.
  5. Driving continuous improvement and innovation including how we will ensure the safe and efficient implementation of artificial intelligence.
  6. Building the digital and data specialist workforce needed for the future, as well as the skills of the broader workforce to get the most from the technologies and insights made available.