Multiple leadership opportunities for health and care professionals – apply now!
We are recruiting to more than 100 Clinical and Care Professional Lead (CCPL) vacancies.
These represent a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested in taking on a leadership role and we have a range of positions suitable for colleagues taking their first step into leadership as well as those with more experience. These roles support people to work together across organisations and professions to improve the health and wellbeing of people and communities across south east London.
CCPLs are paid and work part time alongside their principal jobs. Roles are available across a range of south east London boroughs and programmes. They provide support to our leadership, set strategic direction and also provide professional leadership support to colleagues across our health and care system.
We encourage all suitably qualified health and social care professionals to apply. Your background could be in medicine, nursing, midwifery, pharmacy, the allied health professions and social care, or you could be from the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector.
This is an opportunity to take the next step in your career and become a leader in clinical and care professions. Read more about the role of a CCPL below or visit our list of active vacancies. Vacancies close mid to late May.
Why do we need clinical and care professional leaders?
We have incredible people and organisations working to enable everyone to lead happy, healthy lives.
Carers, social care practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, doctors, voluntary and community sector professionals, experts by experience, allied health professionals, psychologists, healthcare scientists, physician associates, public health professionals – all are making a difference. But we face age-old challenges, from inequalities to preventable ill-health.
It’s clear no single person or organisation holds the answers when we work together – whether we plan, give or receive care and support. So, we’re investing in the recruitment and development of people who can build on this momentum and work together across organisations and professions to improve health and care.