What is it and why is it important?

We all come in different shapes and sizes. Our bodies can do amazing things and they are unique to us.

Being overweight is when we weigh more than a healthy weight. Being underweight means we weigh less than a healthy weight.

Being underweight can weaken our immune system, especially if we are missing out on vitamins and minerals. If you’re underweight, you should see your doctor for support. It’s important to get medical advice before trying to put weight on.

Being overweight puts an additional strain on our bodies and can lead to some serious illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease and colon cancer. If you’re overweight, a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you return to a healthy weight.

The obesity rate in south east London is high, with 56% of adult residents carrying excess weight. Some boroughs in south east London have higher rates of people carrying excess weight than the London average.

Icon of an apple

If you care for your body by staying in your healthy weight range, you’re less likely to get sick. The good news is there are lots of simple steps you can take to move towards and maintain a healthy weight.

What can I do about it?

  • if I’m underweight, I’ll get advice from my GP
  • check in on my weight – I’ll use the BMI calculator to check I’m at a healthy weight
  • make healthy food swaps to build good habits
  • use herbs to make healthier meals more tasty
  • avoid eating dinner late at night
  • keep an eye on my portion sizes
  • find out more about healthy foods
  • swap to water instead of juices or sugary drinks
  • exercise regularly
  • keep it simple – little things add up, like using the stairs (sometimes people think exercise requires an expensive bike or going to an expensive gym)
  • move more every day and try to build up my exercise over time

What support can I get?

There’s lots of information available to help you find the type of healthy food and physical activity that’s right for you:

  • Your local pharmacy can help advise you on a sensible weight loss plan and will regularly monitor your weight if you request it.
  • Ask your GP or visit Tips to help you lose weight – NHS for advice on how to stay healthy and celebrate your weight!
  • You may also like to visit the Healthy weight – NHS website for general advice on all aspects of living and eating well to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Sometimes you might feel a healthy diet doesn’t fit your individual circumstances. The Eat better – British Hearth Foundation guide teaches you about a range of food that is healthy. It has healthy food swaps so you can still treat yourself when you eat out (page 39). It also has tips on how to make home cooking faster and easier (page 40), as well as cheaper (page 53).
  • If you’re struggling financially, you can find a range of support in your area. The Help with the cost of living – London City Hall hub contains information about benefits, grants and discounts you can get if you are in financial difficulty, from the Mayor of London, the government, your local council, charities and advice centres.
  • You can download the NHS Weight Loss Plan app for daily healthy weight advice to your mobile device if you have one.

What is healthy weight and how can it affect me?

  • Your healthy weight range depends on the size and shape of your body. This means “healthy weight” is different for different people.
  • You can find out your healthy weight by finding out your body mass index (BMI). This uses your height to find your healthy weight range.
  • If you’re not in a healthy weight range, you could be overweight or underweight.
  • Being overweight is when we weigh more than a healthy weight. It puts an additional strain on our bodies and can lead to some serious illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease and colon cancer.
  • Being underweight means we weigh less than a healthy weight. It can weaken our immune system, especially if we are missing out on vitamins and minerals.
  • If you’re overweight a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you return to a healthy weight.
  • If you’re underweight you should see your doctor for support. It’s important to get medical advice before trying to put weight on.
  • If you’re in your healthy weight range exercising regularly and being mindful of your diet will help you stay there.
  • Food can be split up into different groups, like carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Understanding food groups and the correct balance for us can be a helpful way to set up a balanced diet. You can learn more about food groups and how to eat a balanced diet here.