Experience and Skills

This page details the experience, skills and things to consider to undertake entry level and experienced roles. Click on ‘Entry Level Roles’ or ‘Experienced Roles’ for information.

Entry Level Roles

Experienced Roles

What experience and qualifications do I need to undertake these roles?

  • Most roles do not require previous experience in health and social care
  • The majority of roles may require evidence of a general education
  • Some may require evidence of voluntary work undertaken for example befriending, input into patient participation groups, supporting in your local community etc
  • An interest in supporting people living with and experiencing poor mental health
  • Knowledge and experience of working in local communities
  • Ability to work as part of a team
  • Ability to set personal boundaries when working with individuals and their families/carers
  • Able to work on your own at times when in a person’s home
  • For roles where lived experience is essential evidence of a sustained recovery plan may be essential

What do I need to think about?

  • Can you inspire hope and confidence?
  • Can you work with people on a one-to-one basis?
  • What lived experience do you have which you can share with others?
  • Are you happy working in someone’s home? or
  • Would you prefer working in your local community (or both)?
  • Do you enjoy talking and listening to people?
  • Would you have the courage to help people overcome barriers?
  • Can you build trust and confidence and put aside your own views/bias?

What experience and qualifications do I need to undertake these roles?

  • For Peer Workers completion of, or agreement to complete, peer worker training
  • Experience of working with people with poor mental health
  • Experience of working in local communities
  • Ability to share lived experience in appropriate settings
  • Knowledge of mental health services available to signpost individuals to
  • Experience of working across different organisations and teams
  • Some roles may require experience of supporting individuals with personal recovery goals
  • At practitioner level you will need to evidence your experience to date and provide examples

What do I need to think about?

  • For Peer Workers completion of, or agreement to complete, peer worker training
  • Experience of working with people with poor mental health
  • Experience of working in local communities
  • Ability to share lived experience in appropriate settings
  • Knowledge of mental health services available to signpost individuals to
  • Experience of working across different organisations and teams
  • Some roles may require experience of supporting individuals with personal recovery goals
  • At practitioner level you will need to evidence your experience to date and provide examples