Direct Care Roles

The roles covered by this framework are mainly direct care roles, where the member of staff is giving care, advice and support to a named service user/patient. The member of staff will work in the local community as well as in people’s homes and normally have a work base.

Support Non-Direct Care | Ancillary Roles

Such as chef, driver, administration, human resources, finance, These roles are “behind the scene” and will provide services such as paying your wage, recruitment and employment matters, to providing food for staff and patients, or delivery of goods to local health centres, hospitals and patient’s/service user homes.

Specialist Non-Regulated Roles

Trainer, health and wellbeing coach

Existing Support Roles

If you are already working in health or social care you could also take a qualification to help you develop specialist skills in things like:

• Dementia care • Activity Provision • Autism • Team Leading • Communication skills • Stroke • End of life

Experience and skills required

In most of these roles you will require some of the following skills:

  • English, including the ability to read, write, speak and listen.
  • Number skills to do calculations, record numbers, understand measurements, use timetables or plan work
  • Digital skills – use technology, find and manage digital information, complete on-line learning
  • Problem solving
  • Working as a team
  • Planning your time
  • Planning your learning and development
  • Managing your own health and wellbeing

The values you need are covered in this framework

For direct care roles – You will also need to complete the Care Certificate as part of your induction and initial training.

In some cases you may also need an additional qualification for the role which can often be taken on the job (a team leader course) or as part of your extended education and if applicable a driver’s licence.

For those wanting to go in a non-direct care role you may also need to have an A level or a practice certificate in a particular field, accountancy, recruitment, training.