To be included on the children’s DSR children/young people should be:
- Under 18
- Have a diagnosed learning difficulty and/or autism
- Have a mental health concern that places them at high risk of admission to a mental health hospital
In addition to the above criteria:
- The child/young person maybe at high risk of family or placement breakdown that places them at risk of admission to a mental health hospital.
The national policy outlines the following RAG rating criteria for the DSR:
Blue: The child/young person is currently an inpatient at a mental health hospital.
Red: There is immediate risk that the child/young person will be admitted to a mental health hospital. The child/family are experiencing crisis and the risks of admission to a mental health hospital are not/cannot be managed in the community.
Amber: There will be an immediate risk that the child/young person will be admitted to a mental health hospital without urgent intervention. There could be a significant high risk of becoming mentally unwell and/or family/placement breakdown.
Green: There are some risks that could lead to child/young person being admitted to a mental health hospital, but currently these risks are being effectively managed in the community.