Chaired by Claire Harrison (Deputy Chief Medical Officer) and Kate Blake (Director of R&D)
The NHS is here for you. If you are feeling unwell, or need urgent care, it’s important that you are able to access the treatment you need.
Find here where to find vaccination centres, dentist services, community pharmacies and more that are closest to you.
Local NHS servicesIf you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living, find here your options and how you can get support.
Care and supportMaking it easier for everyone in south east London to live healthier, more active lives.
Living wellChaired by Claire Harrison (Deputy Chief Medical Officer) and Kate Blake (Director of R&D)
Sign Up to Join the Healthier Greenwich Partnership Public Discussion Forum! We’re excited to offer two opportunities for local residents, community groups, voluntary organizations, and those working in the borough to learn about the evolving NHS services in Greenwich. Participate in discussions on key priority areas and help us understand the needs of our local […]
Flu cases are rising across south east London. As a result, health services are under increased pressure, with more patients coming into hospital sick and needing urgent care. In some hospitals up to a third of admissions are because of flu. The flu vaccine can protect those most vulnerable from getting seriously ill. Hundreds of […]